Coalition to stand against outsourcing at Library Trustee Board Tuesday, August 8, 2 PM at the Escondido Library

Residents say degrading our library degrades our city

Escondido, CA: On Tuesday, August 8, 2017, 2 PM at the Escondido Library, residents will urge the Mayor-appointed Board of Trustees to recommend against privatization of our library services. The Coalition now has 100s of members and is collecting signatures on two petitions opposing the outsourcing proposal.

Library volunteer Virginia Abushanab warned “One thing I don’t think the City Council has considered is the value of the volunteers that they are about to lose. As a long-time volunteer, I can guarantee that I, and all the volunteers I’ve spoken with, are not going to offer our free services to a company who will increase their bottom line from them. Are the members aware that there are 213 active volunteers on the roster and in June alone of this year they gave a total of 2407 hours? What a coincidence, it comes almost exactly to the $400,000 Mr Epp says will be saved.”

Debbie Resler, a frequent library user said “A library is an essential resource. One reason I value this community is our public library. We’ve already lost one Escondido library – we need to make sure that the remaining one is focused on meeting the needs of our local community, and not maximizing revenue for a private, for-profit company.”

Librarian Whitney McCoy, MLIS candidate, will present her findings on the past record of Library Systems & Services (LS&S) the company proposed to take over the library receiving $2.4 million annual payments from the city.

Attendees will be carrying signs and the petition drive continues outside of the library. The petitions have over 800 signatures opposed to privatization in the first week of collection. Members will be on hand to speak to the media.

About Save Our Escondido Library Coalition: The coalition was formed by local Escondido community groups and local residents in response to the City of Escondido’s move to consider privatization of the Escondido Public Library. The coalition seeks to educate themselves and the public and to provide a conduit for Escondido residents to voice their concerns.

Escondido Democratic Club, Escondido Indivisible, Escondido Chamber of Citizens, Escondido Climate Action Alliance and Together We Will North County Inland

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