FROM LITHUB: Donald Cohen and Allen Mikaelian on the Priceless, Non-Transactional Aspects of Libraries

The wide-reaching effects of library privatization including the takeover of Escondido’s library by LS&S are discussed at length in the article linked below.

Cohen and Mikaelian’s new book, The Privatization of Everything connects the dots across a broad spectrum of issues and raises larger questions about who controls the public things we all rely on, exposing the hidden crisis of privatization that has been slowly unfolding over the last fifty years and giving us a road map for taking our country back.


Welcome to the Escondido Public Library Watchdog.

Why a Watchdog? We believe that an important public good, like a library, should not be handed over to a private entity firm. We hold that public libraries should be operated by and for the public. In the almost two years our Library has been operated by a corporate interest significant problems are evident. Corporate protections in the city-adopted contract do not allow for effective, transparent, or even credible, oversight of corporate performance. Important information is kept from the Library Board of Trustees and the public. Financial information, salaries, and qualifications are unknown, staff turnover un-trackable, data is not transparent, key staff are not ‘hired’ by the Trustees, but rather presented to them from a candidate pool of one. The Watchdog seeks to provide some public oversight for our library.

Two years later all we have to show is a decimated staff, a 3-D printer no one can use, and no restored services to our East Valley community.

Now, new efforts are afoot about expanding the library or building a new one at significant tax-payer expense and operated by a corporation. Soon, the public will be surveyed about whether they would support funding for a new library. The Watchdog is calling for other public-operated library options to be considered such as County or Palomar College branches. If you care about quality libraries, we encourage you to get involved and stay involved.

Here is a quick guide to our website

Share a Concern about the Library We will try to look into your concern or answer any questions. If you have a library concern please contact us here.

Escondido Library Board of Trustees if you want information on the trustees and their deliberations.

Watchdog Actions if you want to read our letters or learn how to take action.

Stop Library Outsourcing if you want to know the history of our struggle and issues related to LS&S elsewhere.

Updates/Blog to read previous messages or to join our listserve, sign up here.

Why we are opposed to LS&S operation of our library

The Watchdog is opposed to operation of our public library for profit by a private corporation. In this case of Library Services and Systems (LS&S) is owned by a private equity firm. LS&S receives our tax-dollars to operate the library, takes profits from our tax-dollars, and, in fact, receives an automatic increase no matter how they perform. This is bad public policy.

A few of our concerns are outlined in the letters and information below. More can be found on the Stop Library Outsourcing page however a particularly instructive letter is excerpted below.

Letter from a former Jackson County leader about problems with LS&S there, October 16, 2017.

Letter Excerpt: In 2015, after witnessing staff turnover and hearing of profound discontent, the library district board hired a renowned public library expert to evaluate the management of the Jackson County Library System. That report is available online and speaks for itself as to the efficacy of the outside management firm and its ability to manage our libraries over its eleven-year tenure. Since the report, the JCLD board has repeatedly urged for higher salaries and better benefits for staff as a way to quell staff turnover and offered more money to execute that actionYet, the outside management team has lumbered to meet that request. Clearly, to meet expectations of hedge fund investors, management has relied on volunteers and minimum wage employees to ensure profits and overhead are met while simultaneously meeting minimum requirements for hours and staffing levels.

Save our Escondido Library Coalition to BOT Concerns about LS&S performance in other areas. July 28,2017

To City Council, Escondido Indivisible opposition to outsourcing action, September 7, 2017

Media Advisory, Summary of scathing Jackson County LS&S performance audit, Sept.11, 2017

DISCLAIMER: The Escondido Library Watchdog volunteers make every effort to ensure accuracy and faithful reporting of information on this website. However, please bring any discrepancies or perceived inaccuracies to our attention at Thank you.

Library contract with LS&S in other cities have more protective termination clauses

One of the key issues at stake with the library contract is whether or not and under what conditions the City can end the contract.  The draft contract the council will  consider on Wed is very weak and fully in favor of LS&S.  Other contracts in California that LS&S has signed include more protective termination clauses for the public.  Our escape clause should be AT LEAST as favorable to us as these.  As to term as well, they will accept a year by year agreement.  Our city does not have to agree to 10 years.

Please let the Mayor and Council know that you want our city protected and a termination ‘with or without cause’ must be included.

City of Camarillo:

“Section 19. Termination of Agreement 19.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, at any time by giving at least six months prior written notice of termination to the other party.”

City of Moorpark:

“1. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2016 to completion to June 30, 2017 in conformance with Exhibit B, unless this agreement is terminated or suspended pursuant to this Agreement.  City may extend the term of this Agreement, subject to Termination as stated in Section 6, on the same terms and conditions as in effect just before the then-current end of the term, for up to four (4) successive periods of one (1) year each by providing written notice to Consultant no later than 120 days before the then-current end of term. If all of these extensions are exercised, the Agreement will end of June 30, 2021.”

“6. Termination or Suspension without Cause. Either Party may terminate this Agreement with or without cause by giving the other Party six (6) calendar months written notice of termination.”

City of Santa Clarita:

“8. TERM. The initial term of this Agreement will be from July 1, 2016 (the “Effective Date”) to June 30, 2017. The City Manager may extend the term of this Agreement, subject to Termination as stated in Section 15, on the same terms and conditions as in effect just before the then-current end of the term, for up to four (4) successive periods of one (1) year each by providing written notice to CONSULTANT no later than 120 days before the then-current end of the term. If all of these extensions are exercised, the Agreement will end on June 30, 2021.”

“15. TERMINATION. Notwithstanding Section 8 of this Agreement: A. CITY may terminate this Agreement with cause at any time after CONSULTANT fails to cure such cause upon thirty (30) days prior written notice. Either Party may terminate this Agreement without cause with one hundred eighty (180) days written notice prior to end of CITY’s fiscal year.”